How did it all start? Who is Okey and how did he become a connoisseur of BESPOKE CLOTHING, a teacher of philosophy and an investment banker? In this video, Okey tells you his story like Okey himself, it is colourful, inspiring and instructive. As Okey says, “you gotta do you”, meaning that you have to be yourself and speak in “your own voice”.
Okey!! It’s Tim! We met, I think Charlotte! Before you moved to Haiti I believe!!! Good to see you with this website!! Where are you now?
Hi Tim,
Apologies for the delayed reply. Please use the comment box on the home page for messages to me or anyone here at AskOkey. We check that daily and it comes directly to my email feed.
Indeed I do remember you Tim. Please send me an email and let’s reconnect
[email protected]
Regards, Okey