Clothes & The Man

The purpose of this blog is to serve as a platform to share my ideas about dress. Over time, my tastes and hence style have evolved from a contemporary leaning view to a more classic style, both in structure and silhouette.

A primary aim of this blog is to promote this idea of classic style. Of course, classic style begins with proportion and balance. Very little else gives me so much pleasure as thumbing through rendered illustrations and actual photos of men and women as they dressed in the 1920’s through the 1950’s. An era which in my book represents the golden era of dress.

And one must of course contend with the contemporary argument for a more casual approach towards dress. It is not my intention to become, or turn you into a museum or historical artifact. I do believe however that good taste would benefit immensely from the golden era as a structural foundation for dress. And perhaps using our own individual leanings to lend a more contemporary air to your classic dress.

As the weeks, months and years ahead unfold, I hope to provide you with content in written form, still images and videos, to further illustrate this philosophy.


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