The pocket square is a handkerchief, usually made of silk or a silk blend and worn in the breast pocket of a jacket. Chosen in the right colour for your outfit, it can add dash of elegance to a jacket or suit. Our AskOkey purple-floral motif pocket square below pairs well with a navy or blue suit for an exceptional combination.

Sizing is a core detail in a proper pocket square. It should be at least 40cm by 40cm to spare you from the issue of having a shy pocket square, plunging into the depths of your chest pock, leaving only a sad, barely visible sliver peeking at the top. Our handmade AskOkey Pocket Squares are 42x42cm (16.5in by 16.5in), with hand-rolled edge to give you the maximum control and use out of your square.
In terms of colour, the square should, ideally, have some of the same or complimentary colours as your jacket, shirt and / or tie, but not match any one of them completely. Solid squares were popular back in the 80s, but patterns are preferable. For example, if you are wearing a charcoal suit with a red stripe, the square should include some grey or red motifs to pick up and accentuate the colours in the jacket. Alternatively, if you are wearing a blue shirt with your charcoal and red-striped suit, a dark or mid blue pattern in the square would work.
The one below, red and blue, would go well in a mid-grey or mid-blue suit with a red or warm-tone tie or blue shirt and would help to highlight both of them (or one of them).

When folding the pocket square, you can choose to show the points or just the center or both, depending on how you fold it. Keep the pocket square relatively flat so that it does not spoil the shape and contour of your jacket pocket.
Spruce up your wardrobe and get a few alluring, elegant accessories. Browse our collection of AskOkey accessories here, handmade in Como Italy.